Two Years is -Not- a Long Time.

Two years is -not- a long time when trying to launch a new growth platform. The more novel the innovation, the greater the scope of unknowns to resolve. Two years might not be enough if you even have that to begin with.

And time really is money. Unproven high-risk ventures often struggle to meet expectations and survive the budget reviews of an established business, let alone the funding needed for a typical startup. It’s the nature of the challenge when growth is increasingly driven by innovation yet businesses are constantly pressured to meet short term goals at the expense of strategic initiatives. What’s a CEO to do?   

We see the potential to improve efficiency and accelerate the viability of a venture during the high-risk early stages by supplementing the core team with an experienced set of creative problem solvers. An XTM. A variable resource with a proven track record of practical implementation to hit the ground running and make the most of a short runway. 

#IaaS  Accelerating strategic innovation.


The Problem with Strategic Innovation


Two Years is a Long Time.