Two Years is a Long Time.

Two years is a long time. The last two felt a lot longer. We were gearing up to explore new opportunities when the pandemic hit and like everyone, found ourselves in unfamiliar territory. The way we engage and interact with our fellow human beings had fundamentally changed, yet there was something familiar about it. And that was having to navigate the unknown and how integral that is to the nature of strategic innovation.

As we finish up the most recent ‘pandemic project’, we’re revisiting our experience with driving strategic innovation and what it takes to improve the potential for success. There is still much to be learned on what it takes to field a team of creative problem solvers who are comfortable with risk as a standard way-of-working. We’ll be looking for opportunities to explore this further. 

Innovation is the intersection of creativity and opportunity. We’ll meet you at the crossroads.


Two Years is -Not- a Long Time.


A Change is Gonna Come.